Just another day at Cocktail Cove, Misery Island
Ok, so it got a bit crazy that day... Ya know, between the Corona's and the Mudslides, I'm a bit foggy about the whole thing. Maybe these pictures will help. All I know is the Bahama Mama crew and Mandi Sue were the center of attraction of the whole cove.

Life is good,,, ride the wave!  

Place your mouse on each picture and a caption will pop up.   Click on each picture below to enlarge.  
And a fine crew it was... Hey, can you read Jenn's bikini tag??? Oooh, Sharon needs another spanking!!! The whole cove is watching the High Anxiety!!!
Kimmy warming up the spatula... Hey where did you girls get those FINE bottle coozies??? Jenn and Mandi about to have a cat fight over the last beer... Lady Jenn with her magic spoon...
Kim on the left as Mandi gives herself quite a hosing... Who is this friggin' madman with the king-size spatula??? Mandi Sue telling her life story to the Bahama Mama crew... The Bahama Mama crew and Mandi Sue
The world famous Bahama Mama crew: Sharon Tracy April Kim and Jenn Hey, don't cover that up, girl!!! Yo Mandi,, gimme a hand over here. Hello??? Ah forget it. Mandi just can't put the hose down...
Now where does that cheap bastard hide the good vodka??? Hey Jenn, if you move a bit to the left, I'll show you where a horse bit me... Sharon negotiating for more quality spatula time... And the rest of the cove is having fun, too!
And for those of you with Broadband or DSL, try downloading one of these movies, they're a riot! The .wmv file is about 4 Meg and the .mpg file is about 10 Meg.  Click on a link below to play the movie...


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